OK so as usual....late with the blogging....anyway, here are some cute pics of Gracie's birthday! She is 4! Just before her birthday party at grandma Debbies house, Gracie kept asking, "am I 4 now?" My brother askes her, "Gracie, do you know what you have to do before you can turn 4?" of course the answer is, "no!" So Deric says to my mom, "tell her grandma, what she has to do in order to be 4!" Grandma says, "you have to tug your ears 4 times, turn around 4 times and then jump up and down 4 times, then you will be 4!" So after blowing out the candles on the cake that she decorated all by herself,(very interesting looking cake might I add)everyone including Gracie, tugged their ear and turned around and jumped up and down in order for Gracie to officially turn 4! It was so funny!!!
Here are a couple more pics of us this past week. Nothing huge happened,Seth went to his first hockey game and had a blast, pics of him with Uncle Charles and Daddy! Hurricane Ida, school, mom fell and had to go to the ER (she is fine),cleaned out mom and dads garage prepairing for a yardsale next weekend. That is about all. Please keep us in your prayers...