Welcome to our Blog! This is our way to keep in touch with our family and friends and keep them up to date will what God is doing with us here in Colorado Springs,Colorado
Our family of 5 moved to Colorado in Feb of 08 from F.W.B Florida. This has been quite the adventure! We have no idea what the future holds, but we are open to whatever God has for us.
Last Sunday we went on a hike through Red Rock Canyon in search for a geo cache . Between Jeff Duddeks GPS and Wes' we still couldnt find it. There was too much snow. It ended up coming down real good. It was so pretty! Anyway, we had a nice hike then everyone came to our house for games and food! Here are a couple pics so everyone can see what we were able to see. It was so beautiful.
Here is Seth, we were next to a cave where some guys and their dogs were hiding out. They had a nice fire going to keep warm. We stayed and talked to them a while.
I thought this pic was so cool, it almost looks like a painting. That is me with my hair frozen to my face!!!LOL
Here we all came to a little cliff. It was cool. Seth ran right down and the rest had to think about it for a bit!! It wasnt bad but we kept slipping on the rocks so I was a little scared. But we got through just fine.
Jeff gave his good snow boots to Wes to use on this trip and he wore some old boots..oh I think he slipped like 15 times!! This was one of them! He really had a hard time.Sorry Wes, next time your on your own...haha
Ok so long story short, in Florida we got Seth a frog habitat for his birthday. Got to Colorado and got the nature table all set up in the school room and I asked Jeff to suprise him with a couple tadpoles. So Jeff goes to the nearest pet/fish store to pick up about three little tadpoles to put in his habitat, so he can see the life cycle of an amphibian! WELL about an hour or so he gets home with the biggest tadpoles I have ever seen in my life!!! Bullfrog tadpoles about 3 inches long at least!! They are TOOO big for the habitat! So we did the best we could with what we had and put them in a plastic "spring mix" salad container with a couple rocks and they seemed to be ok. So the next thoughts that went through my head and out my mouth was..ok, this only has to work for a little while, in a couple weeks they will grow their legs and lungs and we can set the free...right....WRONG! Seth seems to think these little big creatures will make a great pet(i think hes desperate)and talks Jeff into telling him he can keep them...so I said they needed a bigger home...WITH A LID!! Soooo, this morning while we were in school Jeff went out and got a tank so Seth and I are trying to recreate a habitat for these little guys whom we have taken a crazy liking to! They are kinda cute if you can get past the slimy, bumpy exterior...I guess! (Aunt Susan if you are reading this I hope you still love us...lol)so now is when I get on the internet to look up bullfrogs only to find out they are active at night they make a loud, long croaks..mating call done at night..it could take up to 3 seasons for them to develop back legs..sometimes longer, and the longer it takes to get legs the BIGGER they will be. They eat live crickets and meal worms and they can live average 7-10 years!!! ok lesson learned!!!!
All we need now are some plants and I think we did a pretty good job and it was fun.
This Tuesday Jeffrey wanted all of us to attend the zoo trip with him to celebrate his birthday, so we went to the Denver Zoo! We drove the van and the Duddeks piled in their truck. We had so much fun. Shelby brought her camera and took SSSOOOO many pictures...at least 3 of everything!!!We were there all day and still didnt see everything there was to see. We ran into people we know, and met a really nice older couple. They are from Russia!(umm some people may call these little "meetings" fate...I say God knows what He is doing!!!)anyhow, I cant remember her name but his name is Isreal.They are a Jewish couple and we talked to them for hours. They invited us to go to their house and visit them. We exchanged phone numbers with them and spent nearly and hour with them. Their english is not so great so we are planning to take a translater with us when we go. SOOOO we had lots of fun at the zoo! Here are some of our pics! Enjoy
Hello everyone!! We are back in Colorado Springs!!! We missed our friends and church family here so much and we are so happy to see them all again ,only now I will be missing my friends & family in Florida all over again:) oh I know quit complaining..LOL anyway here is a pic of the kids in front of our new home.
There has been some snow the past couple days...enough snow to keep Uncle Charles in town a little longer. We started out Saturday at Garden of the gods where they were having a Long Horn Sheep Day! The kids learned all about the state mammal.They got their faces painted and did crafts and they were able to look out and see the long horn sheep on the hills. We all thought that was cool. They had touch tables set out for the kids to feel the fur of lots of Colorado's wildlife.
Then after that Charles and Jeff decided they wanted to go to the top of Pikes Peak so we went completely against my will!!!!( from Florida...FLATLANDS...ya know what I mean) So due to weather we could only go 13 miles up the road which was an elevation of 11,000 ft and the summit of Pikes Peak is 14,110 and the road was blocked off at Glen Cove.
We all got out of the van and took all kinds of pictures and met our friend Wilbur...the friendly fox!
We had so much fun. We went inside the gift shop took more pics and met Buddy Bear!
LOL we then decided we wanted to take Charles through Divide and into Florecent where we stopped at the best coffee shop ever to enjoy the best cookies and sweet roll ever!!!! It was snowing huge flakes and it was so pretty! We had so much fun and made all kinds of memories. (Starting contest over the hot cholocate LOL)
So here are a few of our favorite pics from The Saturday with Uncle Charles!!!!