Welcome to our Blog! This is our way to keep in touch with our family and friends and keep them up to date will what God is doing with us here in Colorado Springs,Colorado
Our family of 5 moved to Colorado in Feb of 08 from F.W.B Florida. This has been quite the adventure! We have no idea what the future holds, but we are open to whatever God has for us.
Well Seth started football and I am so excited for him. I think that it will be good for him. He loves the sport and he really is working on not being so shy. He just completed his first week without pads and starting Monday they will wear their pads and begin to tackle. So I will try to keep some pics on every once in a while.
More pics of the Aquarium.. Seth is having a staring contest with the eel This is the pic we took of the stingray over top of us!! he's smiling at us The otters were having fun with the kids...i love the reflection on the glass of the girls face here
Yesterday we took a fieldtrip day to the Denver Aquarium. I know I had a blast and the kids did too! There were so much to see and it put the Gulfaruim on Santa Rosa Island to shame!!!! This place rocked!!!! There was a 4-D video called The Deep Blue Sea and that was exciting. Gracie sat next to me and she kept asking "mommy, are we really under water...,mommy, are those giant squid really that close, mommy.....mommy" There was a feeding tank for the sting rays and the kids got to feed them fish. They all got to pet them but Gracie was the only one who actually fed the stings ray. The way they eat is wierd and the others found it a bit difficult, the way you hold the fish and the way they eat. It was a little tricky. But Gracie saw Tonya do it and she did it just like her and it was cool. This fish was HUGE!!! It is so nice when you take a trip like this and the animals all interact with the kids and play...this tiger was so funny to watch and we loved this part of the aquarium!We really want to go back, Jeff had to work so he missed it,so we have to take him. We also had fun with the otters but I am having problems uploading the video.