Sunday, August 1, 2010

Meet Bruno!!!!!

Shelby and Gracie playing with Bruno Sunday after church. Those are the skirts that grandma made! They look so good on the girls. Anyway this is Bruno. He was 5 weeks old today and we are puppy sitting. He has to go back tomarrow or Tuesday and we will get him for good in 3 more weeks. We cant wait. I am really sad for the mommy to go back. I really bonded with her and am finding myself very sad that she is not mine. But we are thankful to have Bruno.

Dutchess and her puppy Bruno

Gracie fighting with Bruno over her skirt! I seem to remember having the same fight with a puppy when i was her age except i was crying like a that mom??

wonderful pic of Seth he is so handsome

Fishing @ Monument Lake

Jeff and Tonya were the cooks for this evenings meal!!! We were the most popular people at the lake..hotdogs and chili on the grill, and yummy smores for dessert(with reeses peanut butter cups...yum yum)

Wes waiting for his hotdog!!!

Seth caught his first large mouth bass! It was about 12 in and seth wanted to mount it!!! well really he just wanted to keep it and I had to explain that we cant keep dead fish...moms are soo mean

Shelby and Jeffrey playing with the trout that Jeff caught.